Bei ECAP Basel lernen Sie Deutsch – am Vormittag, Nachmittag, Abend oder SamstagMit gezielter Sprachförderung unterstützen wir Sie auf dem Weg in den ArbeitsmarktMassgeschneiderte Kurse für Firmen – so individuell wie Ihr Unternehmen!Lernen Sie so Deutsch, wie Sie es für Ihren Beruf brauchenLernen Sie die lokale Sprache – für Ihren Beruf und Ihr PrivatlebenLassen Sie sich Ihre Kompetenzen durch anerkannte Zertifikate bestätigenEnglisch, Französisch oder Italienisch: wir erweitern Ihre SprachkenntnisseWir begleiten und unterstützen Sie auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Stelle B. aus Bern.

Lernen Sie Deutsch - für Ihren Beruf und Ihr Privatleben! In our language school you will be taught by a qualified team, which is interested in your fast learning success and is composed of outstanding teachers, who … Do you need German for your job or studies?

Special events for everyone. Children are cared for in the nursery with support in German Thank you very much!

Do you need English for your job or studies? The section of higher education institutions of the education department of Basel-Stadt offers an overview of study opportunities and further education and training.

Jasmin passed her C1 Advanced Cambridge Exam with an overall score of…Britain is no longer the country where the sun never sets. The content inside this website includes the following; Information about Jobs, Schools, Translations and local Basel resources in English Baseldeutsch lernen. Would you like to learn German individually, quickly, and intensively? I would like to thank you for your great cooperation!!! For an overview of the German courses available, we recommend looking at the flyer “Deutsch lernen” (learn German).

The lessons are well structured and aimed at working exactly what needed.

Those times are over.…Anyone who speaks English has a clear advantage when looking for a job. My German preparation course was great.

I started this course with Gustavo as a teacher and I must say that I am very satisfied with what he has made me achieve so far. Der Kanton Basel-Stadt finanziert neu zuziehenden Migrantinnen und Migranten in den ersten zwölf Monaten ihres längerfristigen Aufenthaltes einen kostenlosen Deutschkurs im Umfang von 80 Lektionen. Basel Deutsch or Baseldeutsch, is the local Swiss German dialect spoken by Baslers. Because of my work, I often had to change my appointments and the administration was very helpful with that. Would you like to learn French individually, quickly, and intensively? If you are looking for a competent language school in Basel, you have come to the right place.In our language school you will be taught by a qualified team of outstanding, experienced teachers, who are interested in your fast learning success.We offer private individuals and companies intensive language courses in German, English, French, Italian and Spanish as well as Russian and Arabic at all levels.Meet Jasmin Litschi! Es gibt in Basel viel Kurse für Fremdsprachige, z. However, you…In our language school you will be taught by a qualified team, which is interested in your fast learning success and is composed of outstanding teachers, who bring a lot of experience and desire to teach.

Accompanying to a successful integration in the region, in Switzerland.

Competent advice, support, accompanied in the course. German courses for adults in language school in Basel. Do you need French for your job or studies? Im Rahmen des Begrüssungsgesprächs beim Einwohneramt … SLA-Basel is a great language school to those who wants to prepare for the exams. Flexible days and hours, especially goal-oriented learning programs. Thank you very much, keep up the good work! Would you like to learn English individually, quickly, and intensively?

I can only confirm that having chosen the SLA to learn English language was the right choice. SLA - Basel. By the way, I passed the exam!

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