To Crane's shock, however, "Bruce" (in actuality the Joker taking over his body) told him to "get ready for the encore" while he laughed insanely. Er hieß einst Jonathan Crane und war ein typischer Nerd, der schon als Kind stets von anderen Bälgern und Jugendlichen gemobbt und gedemütigt wurde. Scarecrow then proceeded to inject Bruce with his fear toxin, hoping to expose him as a fraud. Eventually, Batman saw a vision of Commissioner With his vast array of chemical drugs, exposure to Scarecrow's perfected gas may prove terrifying and induce frighteningly realistic hallucinations, such as this nightmare instilled into Batman's vision of finding Commissioner Gordon's corpse.Scarecrow later attacked Batman with his Fear Gas again in the Library at the Arkham Mansion, after Batman destroyed Dr. Young's Titan Formula. However, the truth was that Crane had played the doctor, as he believed that the chemicals that were used in the Titan Formula could be instrumental in perfecting his own toxin. Batman told him to get ready for the encore, laughing madly. I've come to believe that the accusations that he experimented on human subjects are wildly exaggerated." Soon I will tear that mask from your face and show the world who you really are; a legend layed bare. I look at you and see a man born of violence and darkness. Having been exposed to his toxins, the inhabitants of Gotham have now seen Batman wasn't unstoppable and had finally failed them.
Scarecrow was shirtless, and his trousers, cowl, and sleeves appeared to be woven together from various rags, possibly from an Arkham inmate uniform. No more hope. However, it was shot out of his hand by the Grabbed by the Dark Knight, Scarecrow was given a dose of his own medicine, despite his protests. Afraid. Lusting to create an enhanced version of his fear gas and force Batman to succumb to his fears, Crane's moment of opportunity presented itself when Warden Scarecrow himself learned of Dr. Young's plans and ambitions during their various therapy sessions together, where Crane's brilliance in both chemistry and psychology gained deep respect from the naive woman. The possessed Batman pummeled the militia soldiers that came to backup Scarecrow within an inch of their lives, as the mad doctor watched. It was mentioned by random Militia chatter that after Killer Croc's attack on him at Arkham Asylum, Crane underwent surgery to make his face appear as it did in Crane may have sustained damage to his windpipe that necessitated a respiratory bypass, which explained why his voice was so much more gravelly than before. The oldest of those trees still resided within Gotham's Botanical Gardens and held the unique properties that could counteract Crane's toxin. Gotham was left glowing orange from the fear cloud, which was sustained by the Cloudburst. Born Jonathan Crane, he was the meek but intelligent child of a normal Gotham family. "Batman writhed in agony on the ground, trying to fight off the effects of Crane's Fear Toxin. Crane soon captures Gordon, who had tracked him down to rescue Barbara. However, Batman began hallucinating again, allowing the Knight to flee. As Harley Quinn took complete control of the security systems and Batman was forced to stay behind by the Arkham guards out of fear that his presence would unsettle the more violent prisoners, Joker violently murdered his escorts and escaped into the heart of the asylum, slaughtering dozens of guards and inmates alike and released large quantities of his laughing toxin into the air ducts. Deciding to overcome his phobias, Jonathan dedicated his life to studying fear. Crane rode the elevator all the way down to the lowest level, to reach the sewers; he didn't know that the sewer system served as the lair of Killer Croc. Gemeinsam werden diese gefährlichen Kriminellen Gotham City ins Chaos stürzen! With his hatred of Batman fueling him, Scarecrow became a near-inversion of his former self, a cackling mad scientist dedicated to studying the effects of his research; he had now become more somber, though still dedicated to his study of fear. When Batman attempted to follow him, Scarecrow had the Knight run interference by launching rockets at him. Everyone was there.

I'll get back to you in a bit. The chamber would release the fear toxin and later be a pivotal asset to Scarecrow's plans, and an attack on Batman and his family. However, it seems that Crane is unaware when the Joker surfaces in Batman as both times he either thought Batman was just acting different or wasn't afraid despite being injected with fear toxin.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Batman knocked them out and confined Stagg in one of his own specimen cages; he proceeded to take a Nimbus Cell, to re-power the Batmobile. As the months passed by, Crane remained hidden from Gotham, leading most of the Crane appeared to have been in contact with both the Batman- Arkham City - Easter Egg -14 - Scarecrow Thugs?One of Scarecrow's dead henchmen in Arkham City during Protocol 10.Further, it appeared that Crane had his own agents in Arkham City; during Crane later sent three hidden radio frequencies on the Needing better resources for his research, Crane entered a partnership with With two years worth of time spent mostly by himself, Crane's mind began deteriorating at a much greater pace.

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