That night, Leon received a report from scouts that Morgana's army was on the move.

Arthur and the knights carefully infiltrated the dungeons, successfully trapping some of the soldiers in a cell and managing to hold their own against those that remained. Shortly afterward Merlin was found unconscious next to the stream and had to be left behind in Gaius's care, with The Knights followed the trail until nightfall, then Arthur reluctantly allowed them to stop for the night. Eventually they came to the realization that they'd been going in circles. When his patrol first encountered When Arthur announced his intentions to ride out and face the In addition to his loyalty, Leon was also shown to be a pillar of faith and source of comfort for Arthur, and was not afraid to question him if he felt that he was being unreasonable. He took the opportunity to speak to her about being Camelot's future ruler when Arthur was poisoned, assuring her that he and all the other knights believed her to be capable of the task and that they would remain loyal to her no matter what happened (Like the other Knights, Leon enjoyed teasing Merlin and often treated him as a younger brother (Uther, for his part, seemed to hold Leon in a high regard. Plus a bunch of Saxons. Gwen and Merlin were left to deal with Lamia by themselves. Thoroughly discouraged, the group made camp for the night and set out again in the morning, intending to find their way back to the clearing they'd first seen the Tower from. He not only helped to defend Camelot from the Though undoubtedly brave, however, Leon was also a very sensible man who knew the difference between courage and foolishness. At an unknown point, he becomes a Knight of Camelot. Leon was also present in the council chambers when Arthur attempted to offer Kara a deal, promising to spare her from the death penalty if she repented of her crimes. "We were ambushed. The girth has been unpicked and restitched. The fact that both had had the same dream after being bitten by Morgana's snakes earlier led Arthur to believe that she had taken Gwen to the The next day the group arrived at a cliff that gave them a clear view of the Tower, as well as the first obstacle that stood between them and it: the Impenetrable Forest. They soon found him unconscious in the woods, apparently suffering from the same sickness as the people of Longstead. Are you and your fellow knights ready to honour and serve me? Sir Leon is a main character in the BBC series, Merlin. The others were quick to follow his lead, but upon reaching the doorway Elyan decided to go on without them, determined to rescue his sister. They planned to catch Morgana by surprise by entering Ismere from the west, through their ally The rescue party crossed the border to Ismere the next day and were soon ambushed by Morgana and her ally Later, after Arthur and Merlin returned to Camelot with the missing knights, Leon attended That night, Leon was on patrol in the castle when he came across Arthur and At one point Leon reported to Arthur that large numbers of Odin's men had been spotted beyond the border.

Leon initially planned to go around the group (and hopefully remain unnoticed in the process), but Gwaine noticed a young girl that had apparently been taken prisoner. Determining the scene to be the result of a Saxon raid, the group searched for survivors and then returned to Camelot. He not only survived the wounds inflicted upon him by the Though Leon appears to be an entirely original character, he may be at least partially based on Like the rest of his family, Lionel sided with Lancelot when his affair with It is also possible that the character of Leon was inspired by In later romances, Leondegrance was one of only a few kings who accepted Arthur as an overlord. "I have fought alongside you many times, there is no one that I would rather die for..." — Leon to Arthur.

There is no one that I would rather die for.No one can deny your wisdom, your compassion, and your loyalty. He portrayed Sir Leon in the BBC drama series Merlin. Young's television work includes episodes of Doc Martin, Foyle's War, Hotel Babylon, The White Queen, Doctor Who and other work. Everything in its shadow... was dead.

It was designed to break, sire.Morgana will have no means of escape. Leon and the other Knights were then taken back to Longstead, where Gaius treated them for their illness (Leon was one of the knights on patrol in the city when The rescue party set off at dawn the morning after the meeting. He and the other knights were then assembled in the Main Square before a firing squad, where they were asked once more to pledge their allegiance. Arthur had just managed to free his father when the warning bell went off, alerting everyone in the citadel to their presence. He became a Knight of the Round Table when he joined Arthur in his bid to retake the kingdom from Morgana and her sister Morgause, and soo… Consequently, his lands were invaded by the rebel king Arthur addresses all his knights, including Leon, at Camlann.I have fought alongside you many times, there is no one that I would rather die for...It's not me they have to fight for. Merlin managed to stab her with a sword during their initial confrontation, but Lamia responded by transforming into a snake-like monster and chasing him through the castle. When Leon and the others finally caught up to him, they found Gwen unharmed and Elyan lying dead in her arms. Speak up. Relieved that they were safe and well, the knights joyfully welcomed the two back into the fold. I am certain that were Arthur able to make this decision, he would choose you.There's a dangerous sorceress at large, Merlin. When Following her ascension to the throne, Leon was very loyal to Gwen and supported her authority as Queen. Little is known about Leon's early life, only that Leon was one of the knights who helped Arthur gather information on suspected magic users (and people suspected of consorting with magic users) when it appeared that someone had tried to assassinate When Morgause enchanted Morgana with a spell that made everyone in Camelot fall asleep, Leon was present in Uther's chambers when Gaius examined the king and ordered bedrest, believing him to be ill (When Arthur failed to return from his quest, Leon was put in charge of a patrol tasked with finding him.

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