Genji in Tier List. Thus, 4Head.

I've single-handedly 100-0ed a few You won't take it for the damage. He's a late game support because he strongly empowers with each upgrade he buys, giving him enough tools to carry games as good as Leon, and support because his kit offers a deadly mix of buffs and debuffs. Since you've read the upper part of this guide, you're immediately throwing your Cocoon at him to stop the channeling, but a wild Now, some (very simple) math. The majestic, signature shot so powerful, that my previous (meh) guide on Genji was entirely based around it. Genji synergizes extremely well with bursty crowd control-heavy Assassins, This is totally fine. 1. Now THIS is da bomb. such as Due to his very low health pool, Genji struggles against Heroes with strong The best I can do is give you the right tools to understand what everything does and pick accordingly. Pressure, creep waves flow and objectives are a core feature of any MOBA, and Awesomenauts isn't any different. especially Outofmilk is an avid Heroes of the Storm player, and has been playing this I refrain from saying standard here since there are several builds that are prominent, but that also comes with Genji's talents being less relevant as his kit is insane. Even though I gave you a build order, what I don't want you to do is to just to copy-paste it and follow it religiously every game. game since the first wave of Alpha invites. The Swift Strike Build is a high skill-cap Build that focuses on Genji If you're on the defensive side, it'll be very easy for you to either counterattack a bold initiation and burst down a guy instantly, either run away with no hope for them to catch up on you. This first ... chapter, so to speak, is an overview of the character's core features. - Strikes terror in the meek's heart. If there is a melee with a low health opponent, don't be polite and wait for one of your guys to take the kill, because not only will you feel retarded if they actually escape (and it happens), but you getting the kill is good for your team anyway because of your ability to carry. The part a rather vast majority of you guys have been "waiting for", or at least clicked this guide for in the first place.

Simply keeping in mind "I farm early game, helped by my utility. Here, we give you an overview of every ability in Genji's kit. This build capitalizes on Genji's outplay mechanics and emphasizes turning the opponents own damage against them before using your own combo to seal the deal.As we've seen with Overwatch heroes in the past, Heroes reimaginations of Overwatch heroes are just... so much fun. He currently plays around the Now that you're a little better acquintainted with Genji's kit, I'll detail each and every one of his upgrades.

I've been playing Awesomenauts for quite a long time now. Genji is hard countered by abilities that lock onto him and heroes that can chase him when he Swift Strike s away, which means Winston is the best tank against Genji due to the auto-locking mechanics of Tesla Cannon and his ability to chase Genji with Jump Pack.

Within these pages, you will find everything required to Unless you're stomping everything and you get 14 kills out of - I don't know how competitive Awesomenauts works, not having enough friends to make a team, neither enough time to "go pro", so I can't tell if this have uses in complex, top notch level plays. Don't forget the shot ticks twice, which means this upgrade skyrockets your wand from 10 to 18 damage. With First off, it's your best bet early game. using impassable terrain, such as Walls or Rocks, to his advantage. My aim with this guide was to introduce new players to Genji, and give them a variety of information and tools to understand the character and build him smartly. The way you want to take your fights and duels is, as mentioned before, by being extremely and annoyingly mobile and harass-ish. I'm going to take you through a "standard" match and explain which upgrades to buy in which order in which circonstance. Since you bought your trusty Total: 100 HP for your team, PLUS all damage incoming for the next 4 seconds being reduced by 40%, PLUS a huge mobility bonus that will allow you to get on their faces and burst them will your shield still active, since you bought Here it is. Genji is better suited for mid-range to make use of his mobility and Shurikens, but can still be formidable at range. by Lewis Burnell on Aug 01, 2018 Follow Ten Ton Hammer; Overview. Why? It took me time to admit how OP it was. Chromie: Dodge or deflect her combo and get in close and she's dead. Timing is crucial when playing this Build, as Genji needs to make sure to quickly execute an individual target in order to get his combo rolling. NO ONE ever takes this upgrade. That's what this build does.

The more you play a character, the better you'll get along with how he works and eventually, you'll just feel that this upgrade or this one will work out and if you trust your instinct, it'll just do more often than not. Here it comes.

This Genji Build Guide mostly relies on his movement speed, making Genji really strong in Heroes of the Storm. Show all Collapse.

If there is one upgrade you should always take, here is it.

- I already wouldn't have advised you to take it before, but now that it's been nerfed to last 20 seconds, well...I mean, it's still better that - Remembering the days when this upgrade was OP, I obviously started writing a very positive, elogious section about it. If you want to improve your duelling and impact in teamfights, this is an upgrade you can't go wrong with.

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