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)I do wish she would say “asked by So and So From So and So Network …and ANSWERED … you are free to go back and read my answer“One lesson I’ve learned over the past dozen years is that hate-crime stories featuring nooses are usually Fake Noose.”Just turn off the television. The rebel flag doesn’t infer racism as much as it infers complete ignorance.

I would have liked to hear Kayleigh respond to their questions with an affirmation that PDJT supports the constitutional right of a private individual or enterprise to fly, burn, or ban any kind of flag, period. She’s magnificent.I should have refreshed the page before commenting, You said it better!If any of these presstitutes turns up floating in the Potomac with a bullet in his head, the first suspect has got to be Kayleigh’s husband. During his rally in Tulsa, President Trump said that he’d like to outlaw burning the American flag with a penalty of up to 2 years in jail. I worded that poorly, I realize you realize they did it intentionally. And now that golf is back on TV I have absolutely no interest in watching. All around me, there are upperclass neighborhoods named after former plantations. They were poor and barely literate white yeomen farmers who signed up with the Confederate troops because they believed they would be literally and physically defending their families and small farms from invading northern troops. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! (pipe dream)Republicans need to turn the tables on Democrats (and Romney) and demand they condemn BLM & Co. armed with assault rifles stopping people at check points.Republicans? It was tied to be a handle and function as one until someone cut it off……for some reason.It was NOT a stupid statement. Southern belles sipping iced tea on sprawling verandas overlooking vast cotton and sugarcane fields. I lost ancestors in the Confederate cause. raped, pillaged, and burned the entire landscape while the men were off fighting in Atlanta, Shiloh, and other places far removed.

In many cases, they were threatened with arrest and death if they didn’t sign up for “the cause.” The Confederate flag represents an idealized version of southern culture that never existed for most southern families. Did you forget she was once First Lady of Arkansas? "This rhetoric is unhelpful and gives the violence we have seen a pass. "Democrats continue to put politics above peace while this president seeks to restore law and order," McEnany told reporters. Anticipated start time 1:00pm ETKayleigh McEnany White House Press Briefing, aka Who Wants Their Ass Handed To Them Next?I thought she would have been more prepped for the Bubba comments, using his own words…their is a treasure trove of things Bubba said while the investigation went on… And she should have stated that Bubba said “a noose was placed over his car” and Noose was placed in my garage….Just guessing here…. Hell, I wanted to go kick their asses when it was over!hahaha – WHO just said, “if I hear one more thing about Coronavirus, my head is going to explode”??? And their asking the same question about the Confederate flag 100 different ways to Sunday is infuriating. NASCAR is on life support as a result of the BSWhat a bunch of damned whinny little bitches today….No empathy for NASCAR from because imo, they were absolutely complicit and ran with it no matter if it deemed their loyal fans. They’re misogynistic, disrespectful, uneducated and bigoted.Glad you didn’t decide to go for their negative traits, Scarlet.

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They should know the questions each other will likely ask and adjust accordingly.Oh you are thinking that they should be prepared professionals? Our coddled pro athletes have never “relinquished their childish nut playthings” to become responsible adults.I’d rather watch re-runs of last month’s Weather Channel!I am not a golfer, but I always enjoyed watching golf on Saturdays and Sundays. Can’t they make it a rule to not ask the same question 10 times? » Same thing she said basically, just explained a little more granularly for the willful dumdums of the press…?I have a silver charm bracelet given by my parents back in the 70s. But, I think the President needs to keep having these press briefings because of what you said that these reporters come off looking like idiots time and time again. We would be here all night.I have no affinity or affection for the Confederate flag. Roman children played with nuts, which were given up upon becoming an adult. It is jam-packed with charms that represent me and my milestones.They just haven’t reached that point yet. By specifically banning the flag from a sport loved by Southerners, while simultaneously painting NASCAR fans as racists, they have insulted their fan base and contributed to their own loss in revenue. That is so sexist. I wish we had grown-ups in that room, but until that happens, I turn them off (after a silent curse on them and on their children, and on their children’s children.)
Truly agenda driven, they care nothing about black lives or any other lives or the well being of normal Americans. That should be his position because that is the law of the land. The President needs to just end these press briefings. To the rest of the world, she’s made the reporters look like fools, and they don’t even recognize it.

It didn’t function as a noose. Shameful puppets doing the bidding of their masters. Besides, I would miss how Kayleigh bitch-slaps these doe-doe reporters around. Is that graph being re-tweeted (RT I guess) to liberal sites?CDC’s own numbers and Fauci is quiet. The rope knot doesn’t slip. They have attitude coming off the weekend of rage….Just as PDJT is our own “Glorious Bastard”, Kayliegh is our own “Magnificent Bitch”!Beautiful, intelligent, poise and class, and serves them their asses on a platter, with a smile!Bubba celebrated an unearned parade on the NASCAR track then continued to push the fraud on CNN AFTER the FBI stated no noose or hate was found.Bubba doubled down and that was his down fall.

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