joanna lemonnier ist sprecherin für deutsch, französisch und englisch. Implications for job enrichment and motivation theories are discussed.The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title.Age dependence in organizational death rates is studied using data on three populations of organizations: national labor unions, semiconductor electronics manufacturers, and newspaper publishing companies. Newsletter.

Using adjusted proportional hazards models to analyze case-cohort data, the authors find evidence that the orientation toward commercial science of individuals' colleagues and coauthors, as well as a number of other workplace attributes, significantly influences scientists' hazards of transitioning to for-profit science.Although it might be considered the domain of many research areas, self-employment has not been studied vigorously. The results highlight the importance of cultivating employees’ positive perceptions about themselves and helping them view the layoff exercise as an opportunity to turn a new page.Formal, compliance-focused governance for supply chain sustainability initiatives has a mixed empirical track record. 2006; Mustar und Wright 2010). No difference was found for Extraversion. We estimate a multinomial logit model in order to examine which characteristics of the founders and the parent firms increase the probability of spinning off. Furthermore, the relevance and potential pros and cons of working for an entrepreneurial firm in future career paths (entrepreneur or employee) need to be carefully addressed in future research.This article advances a theory to explain why a spell of entrepreneurship affects the future wages of entrepreneurs returning to the wage sector.

This gager argues that tralt approaches have been unfrultful and that behavioral ap proaches will be a more productive perspective for future'research in entrepreneur- ship.

Then, we illustrate the distinctions with survey data on southern US textile workers.

Our results suggest the pre‐entry period is shaped by a series of choices by prospective entrants as they contemplate entry, further exploration, or ending the entrepreneurial process. Der serielle Gründer (Serial Entrepreneur) Dr. Bernward Jopen bietet zusammen mit seiner Tochter und weiteren Mitarbeitern in der JVA München Kurse an, in denen Strafgefangenen betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse vermittelt werden, um sie so zu unternehmerisch denkenden und handelnden Menschen zu machen. The results suggest that policies supporting entrepreneurial decisions by younger, tenure-track academics may be more effective than are general incentives to increase academic entrepreneurship.Answering research calls for better contextualisation of entrepreneurial behaviour, we examine the cultural contexts in which individuals with entrepreneurial values (Schwartz’s self-enhancement- and openness-to-change values) are most likely to be entrepreneurs. Rather than enabling a transition to Western European-style The purpose of this study was to explore experiences of some owners who succeeded despite lack of access to formal and informal sources of initial capitals. Moreover, this influence is stronger if the female founder and employee have similar backgrounds. Diese Fallstudie geht neben dem Unternehmenskonzept und wichtigen Kooperationen des Start-Ups insbesondere auf den Gründungsprozess und die prägenden Faktoren ein, die diesen Prozess unterstützt haben.We assess the heterogeneous impact of economic downturns on individuals' decisions to bring high-technology ideas to the market in the form of new ventures. Our review of this literature divides the challenges facing the entrepreneur into two basic tasks: the identification of a promising opportunity and the mobilization of resources to exploit it. In other words, the social acceptability of tax evasion reduces moral cost, about operating in informality, and therefore informal entrepreneurship is legitimized. Using employeeemployer data covering the whole Danish population, Sørensen (2007) shows that employees in less bureaucratic firms, as measured by size and age, have a higher probability of becoming entrepreneurs. We find empirical support for role modeling as a key underlying mechanism, accounting for alternative explanations such as selective matching based on gender and push‐driven factors. Both univariate and multivariate analyses were performed.

Several interesting findings emerged. The paper also characterizes the optimal relational contract and workers’ incentives to invest in innovation.

Die Fallstudie zeigt zwei Dinge: Erstens, dass die relative Intention zwischen Entrepreneurship und Intrapreneurship von der relativen wahrgenommenen Realisierbarkeit bzw.

Das Startup folgt dabei dem One-for-One-Prinzip, indem es für jedes verkaufte Produkt eine feste Summe an die Welthungerhilfe spendet. Some IET studies have highlighted the resilience of these communities and described such enclaves as sources of mutual support, collective political power and beneficial social relationships.

All rights reserved.Entrepreneurship is an extremely desirable mechanism to generate economic and social progress in a country. To read the article of this research, you can request a copy directly from the author.To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the author.Using a study of the relationship between bureaucratic work environments and individual rates of entrepreneurship, I revisit a fundamental premise of sociological approaches to entrepreneurship, namely, that the social context shapes the likelihood of entrepreneurial activity, above and beyond any effects of individual characteristics.

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